I am reminded by the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day. September has been very busy for me (and I'm loving every minute of it!) It's been a hectic blast to say the least...lol. My assistant Amy and I teamed up two weekends ago for a senior shoot on Saturday (see below)and then a fashion shoot with Danielle on Labor Day Monday. I also did a small shoot solo with Miss Madison that same afternoon. I added to the hectic weekend on Sunday with three..yes THREE baby shoots one right after the other. Having three babies here all at once was actually quite pleasant. They were all fascinated with each other surprisely. Upcoming this weekend (September 20th) I'll be presenting at my first bridal show. I'm very excited and hope this gets my name out. Come out and see myself with Amy, lower level of Valley Hills Mall (Hickory) outside Belks. Look for the hot pink, that will be us!
Some of my favorites from the past shoots of Labor Day weekend.
Aubrey back for her third visit
Danica back for her second visit.

Miss Madison
